How do you help wildlife survive winter in your garden?

In this article, we will discuss the different ways you can prepare your garden to provide winter shelter for wild animals. You will learn how to build houses and mounds from leaves and branches to provide shelter for animals. We will also cover information on feeding birds, providing hedgehogs with a safe place to overwinter and how to help goldfinches, bats and other wildlife in the garden. Read on to find out how you can support wildlife during the winter.

How do you prepare your garden to provide winter shelter for wildlife?

In order to provide shelter for wild animals in winter, there are many different ways to furnish a garden. One of them is to build houses that will become safe places for animals. Houses can be erected for birds, hedgehogs or bats. The houses should be placed in suitable locations so that they are not exposed to attacks from predators, such as cats.

Another way is to make mounds of leaves and branches in secluded areas of the garden. These natural shelters can serve as homes for hedgehogs, which are small, beneficial mammals. Hedgehogs are sensitive to low temperatures and need a place to survive the winter safely. Mounds of leaves and branches provide excellent shelter for these friendly animals.

How do you feed birds in winter and what foods are best for them?

To ensure that birds receive adequate food during the winter period, there are a few important rules regarding feeding. It is worth remembering that birds should only be fed when the snow cover prevents them from foraging on their own. If there is no snow and the birds have easy access to natural food sources, there is no need to feed them.

During the winter, it is a good idea to feed your birds a variety of foods to add variety to their diet. Cereal seeds, which are rich in nutrients and energy, are a good choice. Dried fruits such as cranberries or sultanas can also be given. Groats, such as millet or buckwheat, also make good food for birds in winter. You also need to provide a suitable place where the birds can eat in peace. To do this, it is worth choosing self-assembly feeder.

How to provide hedgehogs with a safe place to overwinter in the garden?

To provide hedgehogs with a safe place to overwinter in the garden, there are several different ways. One is to make mounds of leaves and branches in secluded areas of the garden. Hedgehogs love shelters such as these that are natural and accessible throughout the winter. Mounds of leaves and branches provide excellent shelter for these small, beneficial mammals.

Another way is to buy special wooden boxes that act as winter houses for hedgehogs. These boxes are made of wood and provide hedgehogs with a safe and dry shelter for the winter. They can be placed in suitable places in the garden so that they are inaccessible to predators.

What are goldfinches and how can you help them survive the winter in your garden?

Goldfinches are some of the most beneficial insects that can help balance the garden ecosystem. They are often confused with moths, but in fact they are their natural enemies. They feed on pests such as aphids, which can be a scourge to plants in the garden. It is therefore worth encouraging golden-eyed moths to stay in our garden.
To help goldfinches survive the winter in the garden, special houses can be installed for them. These are small boxes made of wood that have holes drilled in them and are painted red. These boxes are stuffed with straw to provide the goldfinches with a dry and safe shelter for the winter. It is advisable to hang them at a height of 1.5 to 2 metres to make them inaccessible to predators.

How do you help bats survive winter in your garden?

Bats are extremely useful creatures that act as natural insect killers. In the garden, they can help reduce pest populations such as mosquitoes and flies. To help bats survive the winter, it is worth creating suitable hiding places for them.

Poland lacks natural hiding places for bats, so it is worth ensuring that they have a place to roost in our garden. These can be attics of buildings, sheds or woodsheds. In addition, special bat houses can be installed to provide dry and safe shelter for bats during the winter. These houses should be placed at a height of 3 to 6 metres to make them inaccessible to predators.

What other wildlife may need help in winter and how can you help them?

In addition to birds, hedgehogs, goldfinches and bats, there are many other wildlife species that may need support during the winter. Here are some examples:

AnimalHow can they be helped?
DeerYou can leave piles of branches in the garden or make mounds of leaves as shelter from the cold.
MolesMoles are worth providing access to your garden as they help to dig the soil and control pests.
ToadsSmall ponds or puddles in the garden can be created to provide breeding and shelter for them.

It is worth remembering that each wild animal has its own specific needs and preferences for shelter and food. It is therefore important to tailor your actions to the specific species present in our environment. Providing the right conditions for wild animals in the garden not only helps them to survive the winter, but also creates a harmonious and sustainable ecological space.

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